Together Ready

Together Ready

Traditional Work Experience

An experience of the world of work, aimed at increasing students confidence, their understanding of the basics of working life, health & safety in the workplace, functional skills, time management, understanding relationships at work, dress code and many other essential employability skills. A motivational tool, providing an experience which enables students to make more informed choices around post 16 progression routes and career options. Staff at B&E Together endeavour to match students to a work opportunity that they are interested in, as requested on their work placement application form.

Work Placement (Student Arranged) Placement Form


Vocational Work Experience

A work placement that is closely linked to specific identified curriculum outcomes in line with a student’s chosen area of study. The opportunity enables students to complete coursework or mandatory hours for vocational subjects which in turn supports the attainment of qualifications (e.g. NVQ, BTEC, GCSE). The placement will be hosted by an employer that can provide specialist work experience directly linked to the subject being studied by the student at school/college.

Vocational Work (Student Arranged) Placement Form

Vocational Work (Matching Service) Placement Form


Re-Engagement Placements

These placements are offered as a support mechanism to supplement key skills development at school, and to increase motivation, self-esteem and confidence. The placements allow students to continue in education and to perform to a required level, whilst supporting the development of key employability skills.

Re-Engagement/Extended Work (Student Arranged) Placement Form

Re-Engagement/Extended Work (Matching Service) Placement Form


Customised to your needs

The staff at B&E Together have a long and successful track record working with re-engagement students. Though the delivery of employability skills qualifications and activities to arranging tailored work experience placements our staff have had a positive impact on the lives of 1000’s of vulnerable young people, helping them to progress towards a positive future.

B&E Together work with a huge range of employers across all sectors who have considerable experience offering and supporting re-engagement students on work placement. These employers have the understanding, knowledge and enthusiasm it takes to support such students and provide them with a quality, positive world of work experience.

At B&E Together we understand that when it comes to placing re-engagement students there is no such thing as “one size fits all” approach. You know your students’ needs better than anyone and our staff will work with you to ensure that each of them receives a placement that best meets their requirements.

You tell us:

 • The type of placement (sector/trade)
 • Duration of the placement
• Days of the week
• Any special requirements or support that the student may need from a business

Our dedicated staff will then source the right employer to provide the right opportunity to suit your student’s specific requirements.


“Businesses need employees who are innovative in their approach to problem solving, can cope with uncertainty and change, communicate well are are able to work effectively in teams. The development of these skills is therefore an essential part of preparation for adult life.”
– Ofsted, with regard to Work Experience.